Short Film | 2018 | Ger­many | 5 min­utes



CHAOS is a sto­ry about greed and time. It’s a decon­struc­tion of known gen­res and form.



Direc­tor: Samuel Auer
Author: Samuel Auer
Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Lukas Eylandt
Pro­duc­er: Samuel Auer


Direc­tors State­ment

“There are only a hand­ful of sto­ries that we film­mak­ers tell over and over again. There­fore, as a direc­tor, I am always on the look­out for oth­er forms to tell. For a long time, I want­ed to cre­ate a film that can be seen both for­ward and back­ward and only unfolds com­plete­ly when seen sev­er­al times. CHAOS is our attempt to under­stand time dif­fer­ent­ly and ques­tion its lin­ear­i­ty. My DOP, Lukas Eylandt, and I want­ed to shoot a genre film for a long time and saw this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to decon­struct film gen­res, tell a bank rob­bery with­out ever see­ing it and mix fairy tales with gang­ster noir.” — Samuel Auer