Ger­man Film Crit­ics’ Award 2020 for NACKTE TIERE and GIRAFFE

Yes­ter­day evening, the Ger­man Film Crit­ics Asso­ci­a­tion announced the 2020 award win­ners. The award-win­ning films also include pro­duc­tions by two DFFB grad­u­ates:

Melanie Waelde was pre­sent­ed with the Best First Fea­ture Award for her film NAKED ANIMALS. The jury explained its deci­sion with warm words: “Mean­while, the film itself takes off and dares itself to be a cin­e­ma that refrains from explain­ing away its char­ac­ters. The film takes an undog­mat­i­cal approach to its dra­matur­gies and gen­der images (…). The cam­era throws itself into the fray with rel­ish, want­i­ng to play along with the vio­lent hus­tle and bus­tle of a world with­out parental super­vi­sion, in which it is impor­tant nev­er to let your guard down. This debut film shows no stand­still. Rather, it cel­e­brates move­ment, flaunt­ing it by let­ting the char­ac­ters col­lide.”

With GIRAFFE, anoth­er alum­na, Anna Sofie Hart­mann, was thrilled to receive the Best Fea­ture Film Award of the year. “On all lev­els, this film, which oscil­lates between essay, doc­u­men­tary and fic­tion, is skill­ful­ly direct­ed and is con­sis­tent­ly sur­pris­ing and fresh. (…) Down to the last, fad­ing moment, Anna Sofie Hart­mann suc­ceeds in con­dens­ing Euro­pean labour mar­ket real­i­ty and myth into a whole, which could not be more sober, top­i­cal, and enchant­i­ng,” said the jury.

The Ger­man Crit­ics’ Prize is award­ed annu­al­ly by crit­ics to Ger­man film pro­duc­tions that “are not judged accord­ing to eco­nom­ic, coun­try-spe­cif­ic, or polit­i­cal cri­te­ria, but exclu­sive­ly accord­ing to artis­tic ones,” explains the VdFk.

We con­grat­u­late both teams on their awards!