TALES FROM THE BLUE BUS — GESCHICHTEN AUS ACCRA tells of the tragic journey of seven strangers travelling in an old blue bus that has been cursed by a vengeful goddess. The African-European web series was jointly developed and produced by students of the DFFB, the National Film and Television Institute (Ghana), and the Maisha Film Lab (Uganda).
This film explores the processes of change in society and the associated personal challenges that young people in West Africa face. The themes of isolation and responsibility bind all the episodes together. But the film language is fresh and visceral and creates an extraordinary viewing experience far away from the conventions of established reportage and glossy productions.
Entwickelt wurde die Serie von 15 studentischen Filmemacher*innen aus Deutschland, Ghana und Ostafrika. In mehreren Development-Workshops in Ghana und Uganda hat das Team – bestehend aus jungen Filmemacher*innen aus Accra, Kampala und Berlin – zusammen die Geschichten weiterentwickelt. Für die Umsetzung war ein Showrunner aus Uganda zuständig; die Regie verantworteten Studierende aus Ghana und Berlin. Das Filmteam vor Ort umfasste ca. 50 Studierende des NAFTI. Unterstützt und gefördert wurde die Gruppe vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung und der Deutschen Welle Akademie.
The series was developed by 15 student filmmakers from Germany, Ghana, and East Africa. In several development workshops in Ghana and Uganda, the team—comprising young filmmakers from Accra, Kampala, and Berlin—developed the stories together. The showrunner is from Uganda; the directors are students from Ghana and Berlin. The film team on location consisted of about 50 NAFTI students. The group was supported and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Deutsche Welle Academy.
Click here to view the series. Enjoy!