Ersti Par­ty

The cele­bra­ti­on of the arri­val of our new stu­dents of 2023 is hear­ti­ly exten­ded to you by our stu­dents! At 9 pm on Fri­day, the doors of Fitz Roy will be ope­ned, wel­co­ming ever­yo­ne.

A thril­ling lin­e­up of DJs, sourced from our stu­dent body and its orbit, has been cura­ted by our stu­dents to exhi­la­ra­te the new cohort that has just arri­ved at DFFB.

The night will kick off with MAURYCY from the 2nd year, pre­sen­ting the musi­cal out­put of his expe­ri­men­tal brain. The ope­ning show is not to be missed!

DJ CJ, bel­oved came­ra bud­dy, will then lead us to the dance flo­or with melo­dic house tunes to warm up old joints, cold ears, and new loves.

When MADAME SHAZZZAM invi­tes you to show­ca­se your fun­kiest moves, it’s your time to shi­ne. Ensu­re you don’t miss the oppor­tu­ni­ty and bring your dis­co out­fits!

BEN FLOCK b2b ZODYA will spin their vinyls, hea­ting up the room befo­re AGILY takes us into the late night with her powerful hand.

The night won’t con­clude until our latest dis­co­very, DISPOKUGEL, col­la­bo­ra­tes with pro­duc­tion stu­dents to pre­sent a nost­al­gic mix of ban­ger sounds from our teenage years. What a nost­al­gic good-night-kiss!

Come with fri­ends, much love, and a pas­si­on for the arts. We look for­ward to see­ing you on Fri­day!

Fitz Roy
S‑Bahn-Bogen 46
Holz­markt­stra­ße 15
10179 Ber­lin


DFFB: free
Guests: 5 €