Ses­si­on 1: Behind the Sce­nes of A Bet­ter Place

We’re thril­led to kick off the new year with three exci­ting ses­si­ons of TALK TO A SERIAL EYE! This online talk for­mat brings you con­ver­sa­ti­ons with our accom­plished alum­ni (by now suc­cessful indus­try mem­bers) and some of our incre­di­ble tea­chers of the Seri­al Eyes Facul­ty, both hos­ted by our Head of Stu­dies Kat­rin Mer­kel. Don’t miss the­se oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn, enga­ge, and be inspi­red by the expe­ri­en­ces of our excep­tio­nal spea­k­ers. Mark your calen­dars and secu­re your spot now!

Time: 7:00 PM (CET)
Dura­ti­on: 50-minu­te talk, fol­lo­wed by 10-minu­te Q&A
Guest: Alex­an­der Lindh, Seri­al Eyes Alum­nus from Sea­son 1 (class 2014), Crea­tor of the Series A BETTER PLACE
What to expect:
- Insights into Alex­an­der Lindh’s post-Seri­al Eyes jour­ney and how the pro­gram pro­pel­led his care­er.
- A deep dive into the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with his co-crea­tor Lau­rent Mer­cier (also a Seri­al Eyes Alum­nus) on A BETTER PLACE.
- An explo­ra­ti­on of the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess: working clo­se­ly with edi­tors, pro­duc­tion teams, and broad­cas­ters.
- On-set dyna­mics: navi­ga­ting the mul­ti­face­ted roles of direc­tor, wri­ter, and show­run­ner.
- Don’t miss this behind-the-sce­nes look at craf­ting an ambi­tious, soci­al­ly-rele­vant series, to be released in Ger­ma­ny on ARD from the 10th of Janu­ary on!