French spea­king edi­tor wan­ted!


We’re loo­king for a film edi­tor for our short film pro­ject, a sci-fi rela­ti­onship dra­ma shot in the forests of Bava­ria. We need someone who speaks flu­ent French, even if not a nati­ve spea­k­er.

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, we made this with our savings so we can’t pay a lot but we can defi­ni­te­ly pay. What we can pro­mi­se you is gre­at foo­ta­ge for your reel becau­se we have real­ly high qua­li­ty set design, cine­ma­to­gra­phy and per­for­man­ces.

If inte­res­ted, plea­se cont­act me via e‑mail: prajwalshiv212@​gmail.​com
