Haun­ted, sur­re­al short film, loo­king for an Art Direc­tor

A WOMAN IN TROUBLE. An aban­do­ned boi­ler room, a woman grap­pling with her inner demons, a man, swirl around in a world whe­re every move is spied on.

The short reli­es hea­vi­ly on visu­als and sound to reflect the main character’s hal­lu­ci­n­a­to­ry night­ma­re. A frag­men­ted nar­ra­ti­ve lard­ed with phan­tas­mal rips, whe­re the tang­le bet­ween dream and rea­li­ty is blur­red, it will be shot in black & white with a Black­ma­gic came­ra. We’re though loo­king for an Art Direc­tor with drawn to sur­re­al and dark visu­als

The shoot will take place in Ber­lin in ear­ly/­mid-July, las­ting 4 to 6 days.

We’­re a young and pas­sio­na­te team with ambi­ti­ons. Don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act us if you’­re inte­res­ted and to send us port­fo­lio and expe­ri­ence to jeannecherel.​jc@​gmail.​com. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, sin­ce this is a stu­dent film, we can’t pay a sala­ry.

Jean­ne Ché­rel
