Headshots for fri­ends

Hel­lo the­re,

I am a pho­to­grapher with 10+years of expe­ri­ence and a mas­ter of fine arts and I sin­ce I still have some appoint­ments left in August, (and two in July) I am offe­ring a litt­le sum­mer spe­cial for actors who want to refresh their Headshots. The offer is to share a shoot with a fri­end, half the time, half the pri­ce. Dou­ble the fun? You don’t have to be fri­ends but you should feel com­for­ta­ble with each other at least 🙂 Send me a mes­sa­ge for con­di­ti­ons. (deutsch/​english) The appoint­ments are available as full shoots as well. Loo­king for­ward to working with you!

