Music com­po­ser and stu­dent loo­king for col­la­bo­ra­tors

Dear DFFB peo­p­le,

I hope this mes­sa­ge finds you well. My name is Matheus Fer­rei­ra, and I am a com­po­ser and 3rd year stu­dent at Cata­lyst here in Ber­lin. I love crea­ting ori­gi­nal music for films and visu­al media. I am wri­ting to offer my ser­vices to stu­dents and emer­ging film­ma­kers at DFFB.

I’ve work­ed on various pro­jects and am all about making music that enhan­ces sto­rytel­ling and adds emo­tio­nal depth. I aim to be fle­xi­ble, col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve and focu­sed on brin­ging the crea­ti­ve visi­on to life through music. I’d love to chat about how I can help.

Feel free to check out my port­fo­lio at matheus​fer​rei​ra​.xyz to see some of my past work. I’m exci­ted about the chan­ce to work with pas­sio­na­te film­ma­kers and help shape the sound of the pro­jects.

Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!

All the best,

Matheus Fer­rei­ra
