Screen­wri­ter looks for col­la­bo­ra­ti­on

Hey Film­ma­kers!

Do you have an Idea that needs to be trans­for­med into a script? No mat­ter the form. Short, Long, Tv, Film.

I’m just loo­king for a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on to crea­te some­thing tog­e­ther. Send me an Email if you have any­thing that you want to crea­te. I also have some Ide­as in the Vault if you would just like to pro­du­ce some­thing.

I am 22 Years old, hel­ped on a few short Pro­jects befo­re and just been wri­ting my a** off, the last year. So hit me up:) I can wri­te in Ger­man and in Eng­lish.

