Short Film Loo­king for Sup­port­ing Actor (M, 25–35)

„Ruhe!“ is a come­dy short film, which tells the sto­ry of a woman hell­bent on main­tai­ning the tran­quil­li­ty of her apart­ment losing her grip on the buil­ding when her new neigh­bours have a baby.

Set to be shot in Lich­ten­berg bet­ween the 12.07 and 14.07, pro­duc­tion is curr­ent­ly cas­ting for the sup­port­ing role of „Fran­ces­co“.

Opti­mi­stic and easy going, Fran­ces­co is quite hap­py to live and let live when the cou­ple meet their new neigh­bour. His desi­re to avo­id con­flict is pushed to its limit when Frau Habicht’s rules begin to impact the well­be­ing of his pregnant wife.

The role is unpaid, but pro­duc­tion will cover tra­vel expen­ses, and the set will be cate­red.
