you need an actress? here i am

im gizem 24 years old and curr­ent­ly stu­dy­ing theat­re stu­dies in my mas­ters in ber­lin. i have play­ed on stage for over 10 years and hope to get on some new pro­jects and would also be inte­res­ted in get­ting in front of the came­ra for a pro­ject.
fur­ther­mo­re i do spo­ken word/​poetry if you know of any „visu­al mood“ pro­jects, vide­os to expand each others port­fo­li­os etc etc …

wri­te me an email for any details and fur­ther ques­ti­ons!
lan­guage access: eng­lish, ger­man, tur­ki­sh, a bit of spa­nish. thank you!

